I'm really quite thrilled about this post. I hope that you will be too because it is something I think leaders can relate too. It's all about taking the time to actually take care of ourselves. Say what? We actually get to do that?? Yes indeed. In fact, it is an important part of leadership. We've just got to make time to make sure we're healthy and rested and all that good stuff to be effective leaders. So we have with us today, Toya Carter of Mrs.ToyaCarter , guest blogging about just this topic. Toya has her Master’s degree in Counseling and has worked as a therapist, facilitator, and advocate for the past 6 years. She's super smart and super relate-able to the demands of leaders today. Toya is also a guest speaker for the Phenomenal Leader Workshop series. You can join in this workshop and get even more advice and tips on to practice self care as a leader. All the details are at the end of the post. So I'm just going to stop typing right now and let Toya get on with this guest post..... We work, we give, we nurture and do it all over again. Then we get mad, sick, tired, or worse we get angry and resentful. You know why, because one important thing is missing from this equation, SELF CARE. Self Care, ahhh the topic we women seem to love to read about but rarely do we ever practice what we read. I feel like sometimes even saying self care is like calling someone’s mom the B word. Why are we so frightened to take time for ourselves? When you are feeling your best you perform at your best. Think about your car; as you drive your car you eventually get gas, oil changes, rotate your tires, and other things to make sure the car functions properly. If you don’t bad things happen (read stranded on the side of the road). It is called maintenance. We service or maintain everything in our lives except for ourselves. Then act all shocked when we break down. Self care is any INTENTIONAL thing you do to maintain your mental and physical health. I like to add that it has nothing to do with him (hubby) or them (kids, boss, other family). Just because you need a break doesn’t make you a bad wife or mom. It makes you smart. You cannot pour water into a glass from an empty pitcher. The same is true for you. If you have no energy, or feel drained you are unable to pour into the people in your life. So take a break the world will not come to end I promise. Here are a few things you can do to practice self care:
About Toya Carter..........This article was written by Toya Carter of Mrstoyacarter.com. Toya is a life coach and relationship advocate. You can learn more about her by visiting her site or follow her on Twitter and Instagram, you may also contact her here.
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