You're brave. You're talented. You're a job creator. Nothing can stop the vision you have for your business. Since 2015 I've partnered with business owners who were passionate about their businesses, to teach them how to master the most critical factor in their ability to grow....employee management. Without the right people and managing them properly the hard work of building an empire becomes even harder. I come along side business owners as their HR business partner providing them with the tools, resources and expert guidance to build human resource practices that build their businesses. I'm passionate about teaching you everything you need to know to be able to attract, retain and manage the team you need to accomplish your goals. Let's get started.
An online course featuring 12 leadership courses for becoming a leader that develops and creates exceptional teams.
In this course we discover and clearly articulate the impact employees of all levels have on the business. The course will also guide you through practical and actionable steps that you can implement immediately to communicate to the value and impact they have on within the organization.
Exit Interview Form
A detailed Exit Interview Form for you to easily collect, information from employees who are leaving your business.
Employee Time Off Request Form
A lovely Employee Time Off Request Form for you to easily collect, approve and manage employee requests for time off. The form instantly downloads as a Microsoft Word document allowing you to fully customize the form with colors and fonts of your choice.
Emergency Contact Form
A lovely EMPLOYEE EMERGENCY CONTACT FORM to ensure that you know who to call in the event of an emergency at work. The form instantly downloads as a Microsoft Word document allowing you to fully customize the form with colors and fonts of your choice.