When bringing a new employee into your business, it’s always important to make sure they receive a warm welcome and feel part of the team immediately. The employee on-boarding process that you choose to follow in your business can be an effective tool to not only prepare for the employee’s arrival with required paperwork and training, but also helping them feel that they belong and are a wanted addition to your business. In other words, there is a technical, organizational and emotional (warm and fuzzy stuff) component to employee on-boarding. One way to meet that warm and fuzzy part of employee on-boarding is how you decide to announce new hires to your existing employees. When done well, a good announcement will make your new hire feel good about their first day at work and engaged with the team. Why do a new hire announcement?You’re busy. I know. So if you’re wondering why you should bother yourself with this additional task, here’s why.
As you can see, besides keeping your current employees in the loop about what's going on in the business making an announcement about new hires starting in your company is a jump start to retaining good employees. New Hire Checklist
A new hire checklist is a great tool to make hiring employees a smooth process. The checklist is ready to use and downloads in Microsoft Word format. You'll find the most common steps in the hiring process along with the forms new hires typically complete. The checklist is simple to customize for the specific needs of your business.
Employee Individual Development Plan
An individual development plan gives organization and purpose to how employees are trained in your business. Ensure employees are ready to excel and take new responsibilities by implementing this easy and ready to use Individual Development Plan.
Ideas to announce new hires to your employees.There are many ways to announce a new hire to the rest of your employees. These five methods are a solid starting point. Choose one or more methods that would work best for your company culture. 1. Send a company wide email. Email is a fast and easy way to share the news about a new hire joining the business. This works well for businesses were most employees have access to company email or the new hire will be joining a team that has access to company email. You can easily create a template that can be used any time you have a new hire. Whatever information that you decide to include in the email, make the information relevant to your business culture. Also encourage your team to connect with the new hire. A simple, “Stop by a say hello!” is sufficient. It’s also a great practice to make sure that your new hire has access to the email system so that they can receive the email message too as well as any responses from their new colleagues. 2. Digital communication platforms that your business currently uses. In the digital age there are so many ways to that employees can receive information. If your company using any time of digital employee communication platform, that is definitely a great place to post a new hire announcement.
Really anywhere that is digital that all or the majority of your employees use daily as part of their work and also to retrieve company communications is appropriate. 3. Company newsletter A company newsletter is an ideal place to announce and introduce new hires. Depending on the format of the newsletter, you can include either a short entry with their name hire date and job title or a longer write up with a brief bio about the new hire. Whatever format you choose for the newsletter, just do the same for all new hires to keep issues at bay. But whichever format you use, employees are usually delighted to be featured in the company newsletter. I’ve had employees keep the newsletter with their new hire announcement for years! 4. Meetings. Company meetings are another opportunity to announce or introduce new hires. Any meeting type is appropriate and you may choose more than depending on the types of meetings your company has on a regular basis. Consider using both formal and informal meetings such as town hall meetings, team meetings or daily huddles to announcement and introduce new hires. 5. Bulletin boards Bulletin boards are still relevant communication tools in businesses. These tools are helpful to share all types of information with employees and is accessible to all employees. You can make a simple document like a flyer or poster in Microsoft Word or a graphic design and place it on the bulletin board for all employees to view. Get as creative as you’d like or your time and design skills allow. If you choose this route, save time by creating a simple template to use for all new hires. This will allow you to only have to change a few pieces of information instead of recreating the wheel every time a new employee is hired. Here's what to include in your new hire announcement.Once you decide on communications methods your business will use make new hire announcement, the next point of focus is what exactly to include in that announcement. Here are some things to include in the new hire announcement for maximum impact and to encourage your employees to engage with (and be nice) to the new employee.
These details work well for creating any new hire announcement regardless of which format you choose to use. For an organized way to collect this information it's a good idea to create a simple questionnaire form that can included in your existing new hire packet. (Don't have a new hire packet? Here's an article on how to create one.)
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